Our ONE TRUE Love! | 12 Days of Vlogmas Day #12

2017-12-26 0

Check out day #11 of our 12 Days of Vlogmas by clicking HERE!

It’s Christmas Eve and the last day of Vlogmas 2017! In our last Vlogmas video of the year, we wanted to talk about our one true love: PIZOOKIES!

A pizookie is a pizza made from cookie dough with ice cream on top. We are in LOVE with them and could eat one for every single meal of the day! We don’t normally like to share our pizookies, but in this video we share a GIANT pizookie with our entire family. The pizookie is made of 2 of our favorite cookies: chocolate chip and double chocolate fudge. Can we finish the entire giant pizookie? Watch the video to find out!

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's -Bailey

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